Each order helps feed America via Pledge.to

Our Mission at The Christian Boho

Welcome! My name is Kirsten and I’m the owner of The Christian Boho. We are a family based business that started 5 years ago (on a different selling platform) as a hobby, which quickly turned into making thousands of connections with people who were looking to share their faith and love for God in a subtle way, while looking super cute! I was raised on a hobby farm and am a western girl at heart. Which is where my interest began to make designs myself that glorify God combined with desert/western and other fun vibes. Hearing through our customers that wearing our apparel sparked up a conversation with someone about Jesus, that probably wouldn’t have taken place is beyond inspiring. I feel very blessed to be sharing our apparel with all of you, and hope it opens up a door to a discussion about God with someone for you as well.

* Please note: All our items and made and shipped from the US. If you see our designs/models posted on other sites, they have been stolen from our shop.

Giving Back With Each Order

We are thrilled to have teamed up with Pledge.to. For each order placed on our shop, 10 plates of food are donated to those in need.